

Celebrate the achievements of your loved ones by presenting the Destiny bouquet in a tall white vase which is overflowing with a bountiful and bright combo of tulips and garden roses complemented by fresh foliage.

The florals come with a complimentary guide to help you care for them.

Many people are often frustrated by how short-lived a bouquet can be once they get it home. Fresh-cut flowers are still living entities that can be encouraged to last much longer under the right conditions. The following tips will help make your boxed florals last longer.

Tip #1:

Boxed floral don't need too much water.

Pour a little water around your box floral every 3rd day. Avoid pouring a lot of water as it will spoil and soak the box.

Tip #2:

Keep your Romantic Boxed Florals away from heat and bright light.

Sometimes we think that by placing the box of flowers on a sunny windowsill, that is where a plant would be happiest. However, fresh-cut flowers are actually the opposite of potted plants. They are at their peak of perfection. Sun and heat will shorten their lifespan. Instead, keep your boxed flowers in a cool dark spot as this prolongs their life.


Enjoy your Destiny Florals!
From Cebile

Shipping Conditions

Nationwide Shipping: Merchandise, cards, vases, & t-shirts ONLY
Flower Shipping: ONLY in Centurion

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We offer safe shopping guarantee with WalletDoc

24 Hour Delivery

Flower orders from 8 am - 5 pm In Centurion ONLY.

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Guaranteed to make your loved one smile.


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